The Graphs of Lock-down

Most of us have been going through similar routines ever since lock-down started. Here is a list of things we have been doing represented through these graphs.

  • Patience – Some days are better than others. Our moods are fluctuating just like a sinusoidal wave. We all are dealing with a lot of ups and downs, right now. One day, we all are positive that things will return to normal soon. Next day, we are trying to remain calm throughout the whole fiasco. Some days, all it takes is one snap to put us in a foul mood. It can be anything as small as not being able to enjoy ordering from outside to taking a long walk along the beach without being scared of our deadly neighbour, Corona.
  • Snacks – We used to take a lot of things for granted like a stroll/drive to the grocery when one item had to be restocked. Right now, we don’t have the privilege to do that. First, we have to finish all the snacks even if we crave for that one chocolate bar that got over yesterday. Afterwards, our mind contemplates the risks of walking to the store before we finally decide to go to the grocery. One-stop at the grocery is enough to stock up my snacks counter for almost a month.  
  • Movies, Series & Books – We all must have had a long checklist of movies to watch or books to read but never really got the time. Right now, most of us have time to kill, so we chill. It’s time to chill in our pyjamas all day long with a book and some hot coffee or binge-watch movies/series. The never-ending list gets ticked off every day just as quick as the cases are rising in India (sadly).
  • Sleep vs Work – We all have our daily duties of work from home or household chores. However, after battling a rigorous schedule in the past, this lock-down has given lots of time to relax and take naps throughout the day. Sleep has become a way of escaping reality and sometimes boredom too. Isn’t sleep the easiest way to laze around without doing anything at all? I love sleeping and, it makes me get through the day, in a jiffy.
  • New Skill – Most of us have got the time we always longed to have to explore what we love. Some of us got the chance to try new skills to keep ourselves engaged. This quarantine has helped us discover ourselves and hopefully, all the new chefs will continue cooking even after the lock-down. We have tried many activities for time pass so, it can be represented by a scatter plot. However, it is a constant activity pursued and worked upon for some people out there.
  • Thoughts about corona – Nobody wants to think about this particular topic because once we start thinking, there is no stopping. It is a nonstop set of questions and there is no way we can get out of that trap. So, let’s just lock this thought in some corner of our brain and throw out the keys somewhere it can’t be found.

Note: This list is not true for all, especially those who have to work from home/ go out for work. Please let me know in the comments which one you could relate to the most or any new graphs that you can think of.